Prof. Dr. Zoran Miljković was a guest on the Morning TV show
October 8, 2021
The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia is the first state institution in the Republic of Serbia to launch a program for supporting scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence. MISSION4.0 is one of the 12 financially supported projects led by a Full Prof. Dr. Zoran Miljković, who was a guest on the Morning TV show broadcast on TV station Studio B.
What does this call mean for you, who has been engaged within the scientific research in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence for thirty years?
How significant is it for the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Belgrade to get this project? How important is it for the Republic of Serbia and the rest of the world?
Can the outcomes of the scientific research achieved within the MISSION4.0 project be applied in the field of industry, and in which branches?
Keeping in mind that you are the Vice-Chairperson responsible for evaluating calls under the European Commission, can you compare the procedures for projects' proposals evaluation established by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia with the procedures applied within the EU programs?
The answers to these questions, and much more can be found at the following link.