MISSION4.0 team members presented papers at IcETRAN 2022 and ICNT-2022 conference
June 28, 2022
In early June, MISSION4.0 project team members participated in the 8th international conference IcETRAN 2022, which was held at Novi Pazar. As part of the „Robotics and flexible automation 1“ session, Associate Prof. Dr. Nikola Slavković, Associate Prof. Dr. Milica Petrović and Teach. Asst. Dušan Nedeljković presented three research papers to the audience at the State University of Novi Pazar. The topics covered within this conference are related to mobile robot decision-making system based on deep learning, the method for configuring virtual robot, and GAN-based data augmentation in the design of cyber-attack detection. Another motive for participating in the mentioned conference was chairing the „Robotics and flexible automation 2“ session by Professor Milica Petrović, as well as the fact that Full Prof. Dr. Živana Jakovljević has been a member of the Board for Science and Research since this year.
One more international conference in which MISSION4.0 project team members took part in June – ICNT-2022, was held at the Academy of Science and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Associate Prof. Milica Petrović gave a lecture about results from the research paper entitled „Real-time Mobile Robot Perception based on Deep Learning Detection Model”, while Ph.D. student Đorđe Jevtić held a presentation about a newly developed methodology for depth estimation and autonomous navigation of the intelligent flying mobile robot, that is detail described in the paper entitled „Object Detection and Reinforcement Learning Approach for Intelligent Control of UAV“.