The MISSION4.0 project team members held a public lecture for M.Sc. students
November 25, 2021
One of the MISSION4.0 project's goals is to enhance students' skills and empower their knowledge about Artificial Intelligence (AI). Therefore, the main aim of the public lecture held on Friday the 22th of October, 2021 was to introduce students to new AI techniques utilized within the MISSION4.0 project and present their advantages for solving a new class of problems such as stereo vision-based navigation, intelligent mobile robot control, cybersecurity in continuous-time controlled systems, and dynamic process planning and scheduling of cyber-physical production systems. This lecture was also a great opportunity to intrigue the students about their professional orientation and motivate them to upgrade their knowledge in the AI field.
More than 60 M.Sc. students attended the lecture, where Associate Professor Dr. Milica Petrović showed the importance of the MISSION4.0 project by comparing techniques taught at the Master level course Intelligent Manufacturing Systems with techniques utilized within the MISSION4.0 project. To illustrate better the main differences, Professor Petrović explained why convolution neural networks are usually applied for realizing intelligent tasks such as intelligent mobile robot navigation. Furthermore, she pointed out that these algorithms cannot be run on classical computers since their implementation is computationally expensive. Therefore, to complete such tasks, a workstation must be used, which is bought within the MISSION4.0 project with the financial support of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.