Team structure

Complementarity and synergy of the project team members are verified throughout various joint publications and participation in research projects. The core team members have more than three decades of experience in working on different projects together, and gender balance is strongly encompassed in the project team (43% female members), which will benefit the realization of the project MISSION4.0.


In total five team members are Heads of Laboratories (listed below) from the following departments: Department of Production Engineering, Department of Automatic Control, Department of Industrial Engineering, at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. All resources from these laboratories will be available through the duration of project MISSION4.0.

Industrial Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

Manufacturing Automation

Team members

Full Prof. Dr. Zoran Miljković
Principal Investigator
Full Prof. Dr. Bojan Babić
Full Prof. Dr. Uglješa Bugarić
Full Prof. Dr. Živana Jakovljević
Full Prof. Dr. Radiša Jovanović
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikola Slavković Project Member:
Jan. 2021 – Present
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milica Petrović
Asst. Prof. Dr. Jelisaveta Petrović
Dušan Nedeljković, teach. asst.
Mitra Vesović, teach. asst.
Aleksandar Jokić, teach. asst.
Katarina Miljković, jun. res. asst.
Đorđe Jevtić, jun. res. asst.
Natalija Perišić, jun. res. asst. Project Member:
September 1, 2021 – Present
Dr. Andrija Petrović, teach. asst. Project Member:
Sept. 2020 – Dec. 2020
Lara Laban, jun. res. asst. Project Member:
Sept. 2020 – August 31, 2021