MISSION4.0 project was a part of the science-popular event called Science Picnic
June 8, 2022
MISSION4.0 project team members participated in the Science Picnic held on the 4th and 5th of June at
Ada Ciganlija. The Science Picnic is an event organized by the Science Festival, which aims to show
children of all ages the exciting and beautiful side of science. The stand of MISSION4.0 project was one
of the seventeen exhibition stands that the visitors of this scientific manifestation could explore. Our
originally developed prototypes of intelligent mobile robots – RAICO and DOMINO, were presented in an
interesting way, especially accessible to families with children. This included getting acquainted with the
basic elements of a robot, showing some of the robot's capabilities by utilizing artificial intelligence
techniques, and presenting video clips of the project. All visitors had the opportunity to learn how
intelligent mobile robots are able to localize themselves within the laboratory model of the
manufacturing environment and how they can detect several different objects simultaneously without
our help. In addition, for the sake of experience, the youngest could try to control the DOMINO and also
had an opportunity to see in what way our intelligent mobile robots differ from each other when the
same task is given to them.